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About Armacom Plumbing

Fair Prices. Friendly Service.

Your Local Plumbing Company

About Armacom Plumbing

Armacom Plumbing was created 15 years ago with the key goal of solving problems within the plumbing community. Founded by Scott Armstrong, our company has evolved from a vision to rectify common industry disparities into a cornerstone of integrity, quality, and community service. 

Armacom Plumbing are proud members of both the Canadian Home Builders Association (CHBA) and Vancouver Regional Construction Association (VRCA).

Armacom Hard hat with plans underneath
Photo of Scott a plumber in Chilliwack

Meet Scott Armstrong

Scott embarked on his plumbing journey over 35 years ago, straight out of high school. Graduating from BCIT with a degree in Business Management and completing his apprenticeship, he honed his skills while working for prominent plumbing mechanical companies. However, disillusioned by the practices of overcharging and indifference to customer needs by his employers, he decided to forge his own path.

A pivotal moment arose during a discussion with a hotel owner, where Scott discovered the exorbitant mark-ups imposed by his employer. Determined to rectify this, he established Armacom Plumbing, dedicated to fair pricing and unparalleled craftsmanship.

Scott isn’t alone in this endeavor. Supported by his wife, Zuzana, whose innate talents in photography, design, and management complement his expertise, they form a formidable team driving Armacom Plumbing’s success.

Meet The Team


Photography, Construction, Design and Staging. Zuzana helps with key decisions, implementation of policy, contracts and managerial operations.